23 November 2008

An autumn day in the dales

With autumn probably my favourite time of the year, it's frustrating to admit that I got barely a few days of clear weather for landscape photography. When these days do come along though, I appreciate them all the more.. Last week was just one of those perfect mornings where everything was sweet - quality sunshine, side-lighting, clarity in the air, and some decent autumn colour lingering on the trees. This link shows just one image from that morning: www.paulmiguel.com/Paul%20Miguel/landscapes/dales/pages/buckdenaut.htm

My afternoon was not quite so inspiring in terms of weather, but a wildlife sighting made up for all that. As I waited for the light to break at Bolton Abbey, my eye caught a movement in the grass, and next thing I saw was a stoat streaking behind a tree and into a hedgerow... a fantastic sighting and very close too!! These animals are amazing and I think this made my whole week!! Now, if I could just get lucky enough to get the camera on one... One day it will happen!

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